Elite Epitalon 30 caps

239 PLN

Elite Epitalon 30 caps



Elite Epitalon is a peptide that was originally developed based on the action of epitalamine, a hormone produced by the pineal gland. The hormone was found to stimulate the production of telomerase, an enzyme that plays a role in maintaining telomere length. Telomeres are the non-coding terminal regions of a DNA strand that protect that strand from damage. With each cell division, telomeres are shortened until the DNA strand can no longer be replicated. This process is strongly related to the aging phenomenon. Lengthening telomeres theoretically increases the amount of DNA copying and allows it to replicate more times than usual.

cecha Extends Life

cecha Slows down the aging process

cecha Delays and prevents age

cecha related diseases

cecha Enriched with an Salcaprozate sodium (SNAC), an oral absorption promoter.

cecha High bioavailability of the product



Slows down the rate of aging
Aging is a complex biological process, and attempts to describe it invariably involve words with negative connotations: decline, decay, degeneration, death, etc.
Elite Epitalon is a peptide that was originally developed based on the action of epitalamine, a hormone produced by the pineal gland. The hormone was found to stimulate the production of telomerase, an enzyme that plays a role in maintaining telomere length. Telomeres are the non-coding terminal regions of a DNA strand that protect that strand from damage. With each cell division, telomeres are shortened until the DNA strand can no longer be replicated. This process is strongly related to the aging phenomenon. Lengthening telomeres theoretically increases the amount of DNA copying and allows it to replicate more times than usual.
Telomerase is an enzyme capable of lengthening telomeres in the human body while protecting DNA from damage caused by aging. When cells reproduce, they are set a predetermined number of cycles in which they can divide due to the permanent shortening of telomeres. In Dr. Khavinson’s study, cells treated with Epitalon made ten additional divisions compared to the control.
It should be noted that Epitalon selectively binds to specific DNA sites in vitro. Epigenetically regulates gene expression (oncogenes, telomerase gene, interleukin genes, transcription factor genes) and protein synthesis – markers of differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis and telomere elongation in somatic cells. Epitalone furthermore increases life expectancy, reduces the incidence of cancer in animals and reduces human mortality by regulating the endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
A randomized comparative trial over 15 years in elderly patients with cardiovascular problems found that Epitalone administration slowed the rate of aging and reduced mortality. By the end of the period, 16 of 40 patients in the control group (40%) and 26 of 39 patients treated with Epithalon (66.7%) were alive.
Elite Epitalon and the regulation of the diurnal cycle.

As we age, the content of melatonin in our blood decreases significantly. Elite Epitalon plays a key role in our control of biological rhythms and affects the endocrine, nervous and immune systems. In fact, reduced melatonin production leads to age-related neurodegenerative changes and certain diseases. Elite Epitalon stimulates the production of melatonin by acting on the pineal gland and therefore users reported better sleep patterns and increased deep sleep, which is essential for the body to function properly and strengthen the immune system.

Antioxidant activity
Elite Epitalon influences the aging process by exerting antioxidant effects. This is related to slowing down the aging process, as cytotoxicity caused by reactive oxygen species can lead to DNA damage, leading to cell death and/or mutations leading to the formation of cancer cells. Regulation of the inflammatory process is crucial to human health, as dysregulation and aggravation can cause a wide range of disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, among others. Finally, epithalon was found to play a very important role in regulating the body’s endocrine system. The tremendous impact of various hormones on the body is fundamental to various processes in the body, and any loss of hormones can result in various aspects of disease. Epitalone can increase endogenous levels of hormones that we are losing. For example, a study was conducted on elderly patients to determine the effect of epitalone administration on levels of melatonin, a natural regulator of the sleep cycle. This study showed that melatonin levels increased and sleep restoration was achieved. Other studies have shown that epithalon affects other hormones, such as gonadotropic hormones (FSG, LG, prolactin), improving sexual and reproductive function.
Reduce inflammation


There are a myriad of disorders that arise due to the disruption of the immune system and the inflammatory process. Therefore, the introduction of supplements that can help regulate the inflammatory pathway by controlling various mediators in the process seems to be salutary Elite Epitalon has been shown to help regulate the function of mediators such as cytokines, C-reactive protein and others.


Elite Epitalon is a peptide that was originally developed based on the action of epitalamine, a hormone produced by the pineal gland. The hormone was found to stimulate the production of telomerase, an enzyme that plays a role in maintaining telomere length. Telomeres are the non-coding terminal regions of a DNA strand that protect that strand from damage. With each cell division, telomeres are shortened until the DNA strand can no longer be replicated. This process is strongly related to the aging phenomenon. Lengthening telomeres theoretically increases the amount of DNA copying and allows it to replicate more times than usual.

What distinguish our product?


High product absorbability

The Elite Epithalon formula contains the best peptide salt on the market. In combination with mannitol, it is characterized by high stability. Our groundbreaking addition is SNAC, which significantly increases bioavailability.


Based on science

The composition was created on the basis of scientific research.


Vegan frendly

The composition of the product as well as the capsule is free from animal products.


No unnecessary fillers, preservatives and dyes

Product description


Slows down the rate of aging
Aging is a complex biological process, and attempts to describe it invariably involve words with negative connotations: decline, decay, degeneration, death, etc.
Elite Epitalon is a peptide that was originally developed based on the action of epitalamine, a hormone produced by the pineal gland. The hormone was found to stimulate the production of telomerase, an enzyme that plays a role in maintaining telomere length. Telomeres are the non-coding terminal regions of a DNA strand that protect that strand from damage. With each cell division, telomeres are shortened until the DNA strand can no longer be replicated. This process is strongly related to the aging phenomenon. Lengthening telomeres theoretically increases the amount of DNA copying and allows it to replicate more times than usual.
Telomerase is an enzyme capable of lengthening telomeres in the human body while protecting DNA from damage caused by aging. When cells reproduce, they are set a predetermined number of cycles in which they can divide due to the permanent shortening of telomeres. In Dr. Khavinson’s study, cells treated with Epitalon made ten additional divisions compared to the control.
It should be noted that Epitalon selectively binds to specific DNA sites in vitro. Epigenetically regulates gene expression (oncogenes, telomerase gene, interleukin genes, transcription factor genes) and protein synthesis – markers of differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis and telomere elongation in somatic cells. Epitalone furthermore increases life expectancy, reduces the incidence of cancer in animals and reduces human mortality by regulating the endocrine, nervous and immune systems.
A randomized comparative trial over 15 years in elderly patients with cardiovascular problems found that Epitalone administration slowed the rate of aging and reduced mortality. By the end of the period, 16 of 40 patients in the control group (40%) and 26 of 39 patients treated with Epithalon (66.7%) were alive.
Elite Epitalon and the regulation of the diurnal cycle.

As we age, the content of melatonin in our blood decreases significantly. Elite Epitalon plays a key role in our control of biological rhythms and affects the endocrine, nervous and immune systems. In fact, reduced melatonin production leads to age-related neurodegenerative changes and certain diseases. Elite Epitalon stimulates the production of melatonin by acting on the pineal gland and therefore users reported better sleep patterns and increased deep sleep, which is essential for the body to function properly and strengthen the immune system.

Antioxidant activity
Elite Epitalon influences the aging process by exerting antioxidant effects. This is related to slowing down the aging process, as cytotoxicity caused by reactive oxygen species can lead to DNA damage, leading to cell death and/or mutations leading to the formation of cancer cells. Regulation of the inflammatory process is crucial to human health, as dysregulation and aggravation can cause a wide range of disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, among others. Finally, epithalon was found to play a very important role in regulating the body’s endocrine system. The tremendous impact of various hormones on the body is fundamental to various processes in the body, and any loss of hormones can result in various aspects of disease. Epitalone can increase endogenous levels of hormones that we are losing. For example, a study was conducted on elderly patients to determine the effect of epitalone administration on levels of melatonin, a natural regulator of the sleep cycle. This study showed that melatonin levels increased and sleep restoration was achieved. Other studies have shown that epithalon affects other hormones, such as gonadotropic hormones (FSG, LG, prolactin), improving sexual and reproductive function.
Reduce inflammation


There are a myriad of disorders that arise due to the disruption of the immune system and the inflammatory process. Therefore, the introduction of supplements that can help regulate the inflammatory pathway by controlling various mediators in the process seems to be salutary Elite Epitalon has been shown to help regulate the function of mediators such as cytokines, C-reactive protein and others.


per portion (1 capsule)Amount per Serving% DV
ARG-Epithalon500 mcg*
D-Mannitol200 mcg*
Salcaprozate Sodium (SNAC)2 mg*

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